I’m back from 12 days in Kenya. That included two days speaking at Sankalp Africa, two days facilitating conversations with the bizi of Africa Eats, and three days driving across Kenya visiting a different company in a different city each day.
I’ll save you the long drives, bumpy roads, odd hotel rooms, along with the very long flights and instead give you three highly edited video site visits with the highlights:
Day 1: Green Pot in Narok
I met this company back in 2018 at the very first Land Accelerator. Applications are open this month for the fifth Land Accelerator in Africa, for anyone else building a for-profit that works on land restoration. thelandaccelerator.com
Day 2: Boka Eats in Kisii
After visiting Boka Eats we popped over to Gusii Stadiu, which Governor Simba Arati uses for his meetings with the public. The EU paid for the factory and Kisii County is the landlord, so I shook the man’s hand and told him about Africa Eats to let him know our plans on making the banana factory a key source of income for the people of Kisii county.
Day 3: Chicken Basket in Kisumu
This was my second visit to Chicken Basket, and the first time I re-visited any of the companies where I shot one of these site visit videos. It’s fun to see the improvements.
For more videos like these, subscribe to the Africa Eats and Fledge channels on YouTube.