Last week Seth Godin published a blog post that started like this:
Today’s the 11th year in a row of daily posts on this blog. Nearly 5,000,000 words since my first post twenty years ago, and I haven’t missed a day (given some time-zone wiggle room) since 2008.
Many times per year people ask me how on Earth I do everything I do. When I look at Seth Godin, I understand their point of view. But when I take a moment, step back, and think about Seth’s output vs. mine, I think it comes down to visibility more than total output.
I’m not a daily blogger. I’ve been trying to post here weekly, but don’t manage to blog that often. What gets in the way is that I’m busy creating other creations. Videos, books, papers, presentations, newsletters, and when tired but not in the mood to consume others’ content, I answer questions on Quora.
I have a daily habit of creation.
Inspired by Seth and as an experiment to see how it works, I’m going to try posting daily to this blog, sharing those creations with you. And as this is 2019, I’ll share links to those posts on social media.
To follow along, follow me @Lunarmobiscuit on Twitter and like The Next Step page on Facebook, and follow me on Quora to read all of my answers.