8 days into the new year, people are already telling me they are tired of summarizing 2020, so let’s skip that and talk about 2021. Happy 2021!
With the new year I’ve taken a moment to not only think about my goals for the year but to think about all of the various activities and organizations I’m participating in.
It appears I do a lot, but I actually have a narrow focus for my work. I help entrepreneurs. I help them start startups, grow startups and fund startups. What looks messy is that I do that using multiple organizations, with different partners and teams at each of those to do more than I can accomplish alone.
To help people understand which of these orgs fits what they are trying to accomplish, I updated my email signature:
I teach entrepreneurs through the Fledge accelerators, grow graduates through Africa Eats, teach investors at theAngelAccelerator.com, make it easy for philanthropists to be impact investors with Realize Impact, for everyone to freely share impact investments through investorflow.org, and I publish, blog, podcast, and share my thoughts on lunarmobiscuit.com.
And every year or two I update the sticker on the back of my laptop to showcase these the various organizations, and my books and podcasts, and at least one graphic that makes people think.

I miss the pre-pandemic days of co-working spaces, as stickers on laptops are a good icebreaker for finding out what others are working on. With the light visible at the end of the pandemic tunnel, please enjoy this 2021 virtual laptop sticker experience.
Come chat with me @Lunarmobiscuit on Twitter, ask me a question on Quora.